I Bleed Words Sometimes



Credit: Leopoldo Pomés Campello

The rich…

What do they pick up as they walk through life leaving their prints on the sand?

What do they pick? Empty shells? Pebbles? The washed-ashore bloated dead?

What do they bring to supper? Are there fish to fry on the fire?

Is there kindness in their hearts?

Oh these are questions for the real, not the rich.

Or am I wrong?

Do the rich have a heart?

Do the rich have humility?

May be I’m asking the wrong questions…

Humility is the virtue of the rich.

Those in power either choose to be rich or remain so very poor.

So, let me ask again,

Are YOU Humble?

An Off-center Trip To Have – Jordan Part I

Waiting at Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport -T2 Terminal, my stomach was churning. I’d never been abroad, and definitely not in a place that many asked me to stay at bay from. The urge or will to go there was stronger than any heartfelt word of advice. I was going. And there I was ready to board the plane to Amman, the capital city of Jordan with a stopover at Doha, Qatar.

The view from Doha to Amman was breathtaking. See it to believe it.


Upon reaching Amman, the feeling was unreal. Touch down, but I was on seventh heaven. I couldn’t wait to embrace all the adventure that beckoned me.

Our first stop there was Madaba City.  This city in The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordania is best known for its Byzantine and Umayyad mosaics, especially a large Byzantine-era mosaic map of the Holy Land.

me jordan

We visited the church that had the huge map on it’s floor and it was amazing. The Map of Madaba mosaic was discovered in 1896 and the findings were published a year later.


The mosaic map depicts an area from Lebanon to the Nile Delta North to south, and from the Mediterranean Sea to the Eastern Desert from East to West. It also depicts a lot of old testament christian sites as well including Dead sea, Jordan, Jericho among others.

mosiac map

We were also shown a mysterious painting of Mother Mary inside the church, which was said to have the appearance of a blue hand out of nowhere one day. The hand wasn’t there in the original painting, and no body knows how the hand appeared out of the blue.

Have a look here:

hand jordan

We made our way to the church through the market place and what a beauty to behold!

I was mesmerized and left in awe of the cobblestone roads, the stone buildings the sky. Beautiful is an understatement.

market jordan

marke place jordan 2

** End of – Jordan Part I – **